Synopsis: Hi everyone this is my first released feature film starring myself haha. Well, my me model anywhooo. I met up with a few of my good friends Naomi, a hot Nubian cutie and Penelope a Blonde Bombshell with an attitude. We got these cute new outfits and were planning to wear them for our dance show. When Naomi showed up, she was in 5 inch boots, spandex pants and a dressy top. I asked her why she wasn't in uniform and she said she wanted to come over and do some size and height comparison, so that's what we did. Afterwards, Naomi was a little self conscious of her small boobs, and I tried to reassure her to no avail. She ended up using tissue to stuff in her top to make her boobs bigger, and boy did they look bigger haha. By the time Penelope arrived it was time to head for the show.